


2023.07.04 | | #关于我们


Mr Huiming Lin

Managing Partner

Auslaw Partners

Phone: 1300 0123 00

Email: huiming@auslaw.com.au


Congratulations on Auslaw Partners has been shortlisted for the Partner of the Year Awards 2023!

祝贺Auslaw Partners入围澳洲《法律周刊》2023年度最佳律所合伙人奖!

Mr Huiming Lin, Managing Partner, of Auslaw Partners has been named as a finalist in the Partner of the Year Awards for New Partner of the Year – 3 Years or Less.  

Auslaw Partners的管理合伙人林汇铭先生已入围年度最佳律所新晋合伙人奖(3年或以下)的最终候选人。

The Partner of the Year Awards stands out as the major event in Australia highlighting the wide-ranging expertise and proficiency of legal partners and partners-equivalent throughout the country while also acknowledging their accomplishments and exceptional commitment to the industry.


The finalist list, announced on Tuesday, 6 June 2023, features over 280 high-achieving professionals across 34 submission-based categories.Securing a place as a finalist is widely recognised as a remarkable achievement in the legal industry. It signifies the resolute determination and steadfast commitment of individuals playing a pivotal role in propelling the industry forward.


awyers Weekly editor Jerome Doraisamy said: “The annual Partner of the Year Awards is an essential celebration of senior legal talent in Australia, recognising the exemplary contributions made by partners and partners-equivalent who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, exceptional legal expertise, and a commitment to excellence in the past 12 months.”

澳洲《法律周刊》编辑Jerome Doraisamy表示:“年度合伙人奖是澳大利亚高级法律人才的重要庆典,表彰了在过去12个月中展示出杰出领导能力、卓越法律专业知识和卓越承诺的合伙人和相当于合伙人的杰出贡献。”


“This prestigious event not only acknowledges their invaluable contributions to the legal profession but also serves as a platform to inspire and motivate future generations of lawyers,” he added.


Mr Huiming Lin, Managing Partner, of Auslaw Partners, said that “he was humbled to be recognised and proud to be named as a finalist in the Partner of the Year Awards 2023, and Auslaw Partners’ recognition for our excellent contribution to the legal industry reinforces the strength of our service and dedication to connecting with the community and engaging with clients.” Huiming added.

Auslaw Partners的管理合伙人林汇铭律师表示,能够得到认可并入围2023年度合伙人奖的最终候选人,他感到非常荣幸。林汇铭律师补充道:“Auslaw Partners在法律行业的卓越贡献的认可,强化了我们服务的实力和与社区联系以及与客户互动的奉献精神。”


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