


2020.04.28 | | #

Huiming Lin, Lawyer | 林汇铭律师

LLB. (Hons), LLM. (Hons), JD.


Principal Areas of Practice and Honor 法律专长与荣誉

  • Property Law, Commercial Law, Dispute Resolution, International Investment Law and International Family Law
  • 产权法,商法,纠纷解决,国际投资法与国际家庭法(房地产、融资、企业兼并、民营企业的债务危机救济和金融企业的债权危机救济、跨境招商引资业务、中澳重大商事的争议解决)

林汇铭先生曾是澳大利亚创新律师事务所AGC Lawyers最年轻的合伙人,并于中国上海Alshine(浩信)律师事务所担任驻外律师。我们撰写本文为您介绍更多信息关于他在这此领域中的经验和成功。

凭借他在业界的广泛专业知识,汇铭为其客户提供他在澳大利亚法律市场的丰富经验。在加入上海Alshine(浩信)律师事务所之前,他于Aejis Legal担任主任律师助理,并于2012年获得中国法律职业资格证书,这使他成为一名能够在澳大利亚和中国两国跨境执业的专长律师。汇铭专注于产权法,商法和争端解决。此外,汇铭的多语言能力使他能够为客户提供全方位的服务,无论他们来自哪里,无论他们说什么语言。



除了法律工作,汇铭还担任部分社会公职,包括澳大利亚浙江华侨联合会轮值秘书长,澳大利亚华人工人协会法律顾问和昆士兰浙江总会秘书长。出于公益法援目的,他撰写了超过500,000字的原创中文和澳大利亚法律文章,并共同出版了《2017年澳大利亚首次置业红宝书》和《 2018年澳大利亚华人小区发展报告》。这些职位与经历使他能够回馈支持他的社区,并利用他的专业知识来支持那些有需要的人。汇铭很自豪投入公益法律贡献。“公益法援工作是我的法律实践的重要组成部分,它帮助我培养了能够补充我作为商业律师的能力的重要技能,”汇铭说道。

展望未来,汇铭将寻求建设他已经取得的成功,并进一步提升了他已经令人印象深刻的技能。他在2018年亚太地区法律奖中获得的成绩突出,成为APAC Insider认可的年度杰出青年律师(30岁或以下),以表彰他的专业卓越和对法律专业和当地社区的贡献。


Typical Cases 经典案例

  • 全程策划与实施澳大利亚一知名连锁幼教集团并购投资方案,提供全程法律服务
  • 代理原告诉澳大利亚一州前州长近亲经济纠纷案,该案曾是概年全州中澳跨境投资经济纠纷案,轰动全澳
  • 率中国某投资移民团“抄底收购”昆士兰州一知名幼儿园股份案
  • 代理中国一132投资签证客户对昆士兰州多处开发用地开展法律尽职调查
  • 策划澳洲新冠肺炎病毒“抗疫法”中文解读普法项目
  • 受聘中澳数十家企业法律顾问,包括但不限于澳洲HarkHark传媒,澳洲老板电器,澳洲华信集团,澳洲Tambourine Hilltop酒店,澳洲乐维电商,澳洲安客投资与中国宁波柏奥教育等众多。
  • 领衔昆士兰州数家知名企业危机救济与劳资纠纷调解案
  • 代理昆士兰州多起物业管理权纠纷解决,并提供商事争议调解方案
  • 代理昆士兰州多起重大商业土地收购与产权转让
  • 代理中澳多起跨境婚姻财产纠纷案,领衔成功谈判并使多方收益

Huiming Lin was the youngest Co-Partner at AGC Lawyers, an innovative Australian law firm and an elite Lawyer in Shanghai Alshine Law Firm of China. APAC Insider profiles him to learn more about his experience and success in this prestigious awards programme.

Since its inception in 2014, AGC Lawyers has strived to offer clients the very highest possible standards of service, which means employing only the very best talent available. Among the experienced and dedicated staff that makes up the firm’s team is Huiming Lin, an elite lawyer who has been supporting a range of clients for many years.

Drawing on his vast expertise in the industry, Huiming is a Certificated Member of Queensland Law Society and provides his clients with the benefit of his wealth of experience across the legal market both in Australia and China. Before taking on his role at AGC Lawyers he was a Paralegal at Aejis Legal and obtained Certificate of the Legal Profession Qualification of China in 2012, which made him become an exceptional lawyer who is capable to practise in both countries of Australia and China. Huiming specialises in the areas of Property Law, Commercial Law and Litigation. Additionally, Huiming speaks four languages: English, Mandarin and Wenzhou Dialect, allowing him to provide a comprehensive range of services to his clients wherever they are from and whatever language they speak.

Mr. Huiming Lin has a broad range of legal experience in Property law, Commercial law, Family Law as well as Dispute Resolution. He is passionate about assisting clients at every stage of their matters. He works with a range of clients in a variety of industries to identify their needs, protect their businesses and ensure they comply with legislation. He services as a legal counsel for dozens of companies/associations in Australia.

Prior to his working life, Huiming has studied for a series of legal degrees for around 10 years and completed his LLB. (Hons) at Zhejiang University in Ningbo, China, LLM. (II Hons) at University of Aberdeen in UK, and his Juris Doctor at Bond University and finally his Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at Australian National University in Australia.

Alongside his work, Huiming undertakes a number of voluntary positions, including Rotating Secretary-General of Australia Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Federation, Legal Advisor for the Australian Chinese Workers Association and Secretary of Queensland Zhejiang United Association Incorporated. He has written more than 500,000 words of original Chinese and Australian legal articles for legal education and publication as well as co-published the “Australia’s First Home Buyer Red Book” in 2017 and “Australian Chinese Community Development Report” in 2018. These positions and experience allow him to give back to the community that has supported him and use his expertise to support those who are in need. Huiming is proud to be recognised for his pro bono contributions. “Pro bono work is an important part of my legal practice and it has helped me develop skills that complement my abilities as a commercial lawyer,” said Huiming.

Looking ahead, Huiming will be seeking to build upon the success he has already achieved and further enhance his already impressive skillset. His success in the 2018 APAC Legal Awards as the Top Youth Lawyer of the Year (30 or Under) celebrates his professional excellence and contributions to the legal profession and the local communities.

Read More: https://www.apac-insider.com/issues/legal-awards-2018/8/