
移民法是指管理移民入境和驱逐出境的国家法律、法规和法律判例。因此常见移民纠纷主要表现在移民,外汇,留学等方面。为此澳法的移民律师从业者撰写了投资移民,配偶移民,国际汇款,如何纳税,学生签证等相关澳洲法律的中文案例帮助读者深入了解澳洲的移民法。 澳洲法律评论还会继续涉及其他法律领域,为我们的读者提供最专业广阔的法律资讯传播通道与公益法援平台。


2020.11.01 | | #



最新的2020-2021的新财年预算会议上公布,移民配额总数16万不变。家庭移民配合从47721增加到72300,全球人才GTI签证(Global Talent Independent Program)增加到15,000,直接翻了三倍。而且其实要求并没有那么高,硕士或博士毕业生都可以申请!



简介Global Talent Visa Program
The Global Talent Visa Program, also known as the Global Talent Independent Program, is a streamlined visa pathway for highly skilled professionals to work and live permanently in Australia. 全球人才签证计划,也称为全球人才独立计划,是为高技能专业人士在澳大利亚永久工作和生活提供的简化签证途径。

Australia is after the brightest and best global talent to work in seven future-focused sectors. The program is designed to help grow our innovation and tech economies. This will create opportunities for Australians by transferring skills, promoting innovation, and creating jobs. 澳大利亚是全球最聪明,最优秀的人才,可以在七个面向未来的领域工作。该计划旨在帮助发展我们的创新和技术经济。这将通过转移技能,促进创新和创造就业机会为澳大利亚人创造机会。
Australia is also a lifestyle destination, and one of the most prosperous, safe and culturally diverse countries in the world. Australia offers opportunities for innovation, with strong trading links and a business friendly regulatory approach. Through the program, talented individuals will be given permanent residency to make their new lives in Australia.澳大利亚还是一个生活方式的目的地,也是世界上最繁荣,安全和文化多元化的国家之一。澳大利亚拥有牢固的贸易联系和商业友好的监管方法,为创新提供了机会。通过该计划,有才能的人将获得永久居留权,以在澳大利亚谋生。

Global Talent Officers are usually located in London, Shanghai, Singapore, and Washington DC and promote the program by engaging with prospective applicants, business and industry.全球人才官员通常位于伦敦,上海,新加坡和华盛顿特区,他们通过与潜在申请人,企业和行业进行互动来推广该计划。


To be granted a visa under the Global Talent Visa Program, a candidate will be highly skilled in one of the 7 target sectors. They will also be able to attract a salary that meets the high income threshold.要根据全球人才签证计划获得签证,候选人将在7个目标行业之一中具有高技能。他们还将能够吸引符合高收入门槛的薪水
Target sectors目标行业

  • AgTech
  • Space and Advanced Manufacturing
  • FinTech
  • Energy and Mining Technology
  • MedTech
  • Cyber Security
  • Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT量子信息,高级数字,数据科学和ICT   

人才To be eligible to apply for the Global Talent Visa Program under the Distinguished Talent visa, individuals must:要有资格根据杰出人才签证申请全球人才签证计划,个人必须:

  • prove they are internationally recognised with evidence of outstanding achievements证明自己是国际公认的杰出成就的证据
  • still be prominent in their field of expertise在他们的专业领域仍然很突出
  • provide evidence that they would be an asset to Australia, in their area of expertise提供证据表明他们将在其专业领域成为澳大利亚的财富
  • have no difficulty obtaining employment in Australia or becoming established in their field在澳大利亚找到工作或在自己的领域中建立起来没有困难
  • have a recognised organisation or individual in Australia endorse them as global talent, in the same field as the applicant在澳大利亚拥有公认的组织或个人,与申请者在同一领域认可他们为全球人才(担保人)

Candidates must meet a high standard and show an exceptional track record of professional achievement. This may include senior roles, patents, professional awards and international publications and memberships.候选人必须达到高标准,并表现出卓越的专业成就。这可能包括高级职位,专利,专业奖项以及国际出版物和会员资格。

Places are also available to students who can demonstrate their exceptional talent and international recognition.也可以向能够展示其非凡才能和国际知名度的学生开放

High income threshold高收入门槛
Candidates should have the ability to attract a salary at or above the Fair Work high income threshold of AUD153,600. This figure is adjusted annually on 1 July.候选人应有能力获得等于或高于公平工作高收入门槛153,600澳元的薪水。该数字每年在7月1日进行调整。
In assessing this, we will consider:我们在审理时会考虑以下情况

  • current salary shown through payslips or a contract, or通过工资单或合同显示的当前薪水,或
  • future job offers outlining remuneration, or未来的工作提供薪酬概述,或
  • recent PhD or Masters graduates in the target sectors目标行业的最新博士学位或硕士毕业生


As part of the application, you must be nominated by an eligible individual or organisation with a national reputation in your field. The nominator will endorse your achievements and international standing. They are not required to provide you with employment in Australia.作为申请的一部分,必须由在您所在领域具有国家声誉的合格个人或组织提名。提名人将认可您的成就和国际地位。他们不需要为您提供在澳大利亚的工作。

Global Talent Officers cannot be your nominator. You cannot change your nominator once a Distinguished Talent visa application has been lodged. 全球人才总监不能成为您的提名人。提交杰出人才签证申请后,您将无法更改提名人。


  • 无年龄限制;
  • 无需英语成绩;
  • 无需职业评估;
  • 无需资产证明;
  • 全家快速通道移民澳洲,一步到位pr
  • 可以无限期地留在澳大利亚境内,期间申请人和家人可以在澳大利亚工作和学习;
  • 拥有澳大利亚的医疗保险;
  • 可申请澳大利亚国籍;
  • 可担保符合资格的亲属获得永久居留权;


小编解读通过全球人才独立计划(GTI)计划申请杰出人才签证,申请人必须首先通过在线全球人才联系表,并由全球人才官或者 由与申请人在同一领域的国际组织推荐。如果被邀请,申请人将获得一个独一无二的全球人才唯一标识符(Global Talent Identifier)。
如果是申请人毕业已经超过3年,只要提供证明你目前的薪资水平达到了$153,600 有澳洲知名同行给你做推荐背书你在这个领域的技能水平已经达到了国际领先,也可以申请这个新的124或者858签证。这种签证特别适合于在国际知名企业任职,有一定国际声望的申请人。
对于学术人员移民局比较看重的是论文的impact factor, 对于商业人士或者有工作的人士,移民局着重看重申请人取得的成就,申请人的技能,和申请人技能可以对澳洲的贡献。

常见问题Q: 如何才能被界定为杰出人才呢?A:除了在本行业有很高的声望和成就以外,澳洲政府正在积极鼓励以下人员申请杰出人才签证:a,在过去三年内完成了博士学位的博士毕业生或者将在未来6个月内即将提交博士论文的博士在读生;b,在过去三年内完成了荣誉本科学位或硕士学位,并且均分达到80(百分制)以上的毕业生。
Q: 如何证明自己依然在本领域成就突出?
A: 根据移民局新的政策,对于荣誉本科生、硕士生和博士生而言,只要毕业未超过三年,都可满足这项要求。对于在读博士生,如果将在申请前六个月内提交论文,也可满足此项要求。
Q: 如果已经毕业三年以上,是否依然可以申请?A: 如果已经毕业三年以上,且仍然活跃在自己的专业领域,依然还是能够申请的,但需要提交更多的材料来证明自己在专业领域的成就。
